10 Common Software Development Mistakes

To create software, you need a special set of skills and knowledge is required. Creating excellent software requires coding that can use various languages, but it should follow an equivalent set of protocols, be held to an equivalent set of standards, and avoid key software development mistakes.

It’s possible that you or your team are committing cardinal software development sins without even being conscious of it. Want to seek out? Read on to find out 10 common software development mistakes

1. Not Giving Importance to Code Structure

A lousy code structure may be a core problem that hurts the code. When a lousy composition is identified, it will often be followed by every developer, it’s always an honest idea to possess a code structure because it saves tons of your time within the future run. the advantages of an honest code structure will help developers to implement less code. The code is going to be simpler to use, the system is going to be more accessible, and bugs are going to be easier to trace down.

2. Correct the error with the magic wand

Some developers are working on a bug about how to solve an immediate problem but without considering the readability of the code. This method is a problem as bad code is still present, and bugs may appear in the future. To avoid this, rewrite the system with the goals; more cohesion and less coupling, which suggests separate code by classes.

3. Not Ready for Scaling

The constant time pressure leads to good software developers missing specific issues. Scaling is one of those things. A minimum viable product is a good thing, but overdoing it causes big problems. Unfortunately, it is not enough to take a scalable database and separate all the applications on the webserver. There are many details which programmers if they want to avoid rewriting significant parts of applications, which becomes a serious Software Development mistake later.

4. Wrong/Missing SEO

SEO expertise needs a long time to search for best practices and ever-changing rules about Google, Mozilla Firefox, Bing.

Usually, SEO is postponed to the top of Software Development. Which then comes as a grand prize for a Software Development affair. SEO is simply not associated with the setting, right keywords, metadata, image map, etc. It also combines eliminating duplicate content, intelligent backlinking, etc.

Like Scaling, the Software Development team should consider SEO at the beginning of Software Development.

5. Hard Coding

Hard coding values during a program is bad practice. tons of issues can occur within the program due to hard coding. one among such problems is when software developers use hardcoded values and think that this number won’t be hit. Combined with no error logging, developers could get into a really stressful situation.

6. Software Developer Burnouts

Working non-stop results in burnout. Programmers should take an opportunity at regular intervals. due to overworking, even simple tasks take far more time than usual. Developers should set milestones for themselves. Learning the way to prevent oneself from burnout makes another productive.

7. Time or Processor Consuming Actions

Let’s say that you simply created a web book store and you expect to start with a couple of hundred orders. You send a confirmation email whenever there’s an order. this may work in the beginning, but when the scale-up your system and thousands of requests sending a confirmation email? What happens is Software Developer either gets SMTP connection outing, or other errors like quota exceeded, application reaction time degrades. it’s now handling emails rather than users. In such a case, Software Developers should have an external emailing service that’s learning orders and sending notifications.

8. Optimization of Bandwidth Usage

Most of the Software Development takes place at an area network. So, when Software Developers are downloading five of each 3Mb are fewer images, developers will get a complication with the 3 Gigabit internet connection.

But once you start downloading 15 Mb pictures on 3G connections. Then there’s a complaint stand problem.

Optimizing Bandwidth usage will Software Developers a big boost. to realize this boost Software Developers need a few tricks. a number of them are;

  1. Minification of Javascript.
  2. Minification of CSS.
  3. Server-side HTTP compression.
  4. Optimization of image size and determination.

9. Not Developing for various Screen Sizes

Responsive design has been an enormous topic over the past few years. Different size of the smartphone has brought many new manners of accessing online content. the amount of software that’s accessed through smartphones and tablets over the past few years has grown tons and is accelerating rapidly.

To seamless navigation and access to software, software developers must make sure that users access content altogether sorts of devices. There are a lot of methods and practices for developing a responsive software application

10. Lack of Testing

A code without testing isn’t reliable and keeps developers far away from using it. Refactoring becomes far more difficult because of any change and developers won’t know that a specific feature is functioning or not. The chances of finding the incorrect code are severe in systems that aren’t tested. When there’s testing, code becomes far more reliable and secure for developers to seek out errors.

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