As a business owner, you might have realized that one of the biggest challenges that come with the job is how to handle stress.
Well, you might save yourself tons of heartache if you start following these three steps from now on:
A truly healthy person is balanced physically, psychologically, spiritually, and emotionally, and it’s impossible to realize this balance when you’re robbing yourself of an important tool like sleep.
Don’t drive yourself too mercilessly. Sleep, eat your veggies, exercise, learn to meditate, and spend meaningful time together with your family and friends. You’ll still spend t some time working on your business. Still, making room for these other activities will increase your energy 10-fold, prevent from burnout, and lead you to a way happier lifestyle.
You shouldn’t be the best at everything.
There is no greater reliever of stress than delegating crucial tasks to capable people. If you’re constantly the best person at your company, you’re doing something tragically wrong as an entrepreneur. Don’t just aim to be the best; aim to surround yourself with the best.
Ask yourself the following questions : am I a solid leader? How are my communication skills? My leadership savvy?
You should learn to embrace the concept that as objective outsiders, your peers are equipped to perceive you in ways in which you’re not. Other people’s reality is their reality, end of the story.
The sooner you’ll embrace that awareness and make a sincere effort to ascertain yourself through the eyes of others–no matter how painful it is–the faster you’ll learn and grow.
For those of you frightened of feedback, rest assured that any feedback may be a stress-remover. It erases the anxiety of perpetually wondering how you’re doing, and that is far and away from the foremost draining activity for physical and emotional health.
If it’s bad news, you’ll create an action plan and get back on track. If it’s excellent news, awesome–everyone likes to be thought well of, and now you’ll stop sweating about how others perceive you. Start seeing yourself accurately, fix what requires fixing, and you will feel the stress slipping away like a bad dream.
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